Golden Eagle Dutch Bros

Dutch Bros Golden Eagle is one of the most demanding and popular drinks among customers. Dutch Bros Golden Eagle is made with a mixture of espresso, half and half, vanilla syrup, and caramel sauce, topped with whipped cream and caramel sauce drizzle.

It is available in hot, iced or blended versions in sizes small, medium and large, with the prices depending on the size of the drink. It is famous across all the outlets of Dutch Bros, and you can customize it quickly and straightforwardly.

Check Also: Top Dutch Bros Secret Menu drinks

Many popular Golden Eagle menu items include breve, chai, freeze, cold brew, frost, etc.

Dutch Bros Golden Eagle is one of the most favorite drinks of the customers. It is available in different menu items ranging from $3 to $8.

It can be enjoyed either hot, iced or blended with unique and creamy flavors mixed with vanilla and caramel sauce.

So, if you love Dutch Bros drinks, you must try this excellent drink at Dutch Bros.

Golden Eagle Dutch Bros SizeGolden Eagle Dutch Bros Price
Small: 12 fl oz $3 to $4
Medium:16 fl oz $4 to $6
Large: 24 fl oz$5 to $8
Check official website to get prices:

  • Espresso
  • Half and Half
  • Vanilla Syrup
  • Caramel Sauce
  • Whipped Cream

Here is the list and complete details of the Golden Eagle Dutch Bros menu items

Dutch Bros Golden Eagle Breve:

Golden Eagle Breve is a fantastic drink made with a mixture of espresso, half and half breve, caramel and vanilla syrup.

It is available in iced, hot or blended versions with small, medium and large sizes having prices depending upon the size of the drinks.

Dutch Bros Golden Eagle Cold Brew:

Golden Eagle Cold Brew is the most demanding drink of Dutch Bros due to its unique taste.

It is made with a base of cold brew, vanilla syrup and caramel sauce like breve, and you can use whipped cream to make it creamy.

It is also available in iced, hot and blended with different sizes and prices depending on size.

Dutch Bros Golden Eagle Freeze:

Golden Eagle Freeze is also one of the most popular blended coffee drinks among customers.

It is also made with the same ingredients, like espresso, vanilla, caramel sauce, and whipped cream. So, visit the Dutch Bros shop near you and enjoy the fantastic coffee with your family.

Dutch Bros Golden Eagle Frost:

Golden Eagle Frost is a frozen and enjoyable drink made without caffeine.

It is prepared with the same ingredients, like vanilla, caramel, and whipped cream. It has a fantastic taste for those who are looking for noncaffeine drinks.

Golden Eagle Chai Dutch Bros

Golden Eagle Chai has vanilla and caramel syrups whipped cream to make it extra creamy.

It also demands drinks in iced, hot, and blended versions with different sizes, and the prices depend upon the size.

So, visit the Dutch Bros outlet near you and find the best Golden Eagle menu items to enjoy the most amazing drinks at Dutch Bros.

Golden Eagle’s nutritional information mainly depends upon the drink’s size; in the medium, it takes around 410 to 470 calories and large amounts of vanilla, caramel and half and half syrup.

Moreover, it contains sugar, fat, protein, and much more. So, here is the complete table of nutritional information.

Calories410 to 470
Dairy AllergiesContains

  • 2 espresso shots for the medium size of 124 oz
  • Add 2 tbsp Vanilla syrup and caramel sauce
  • Add ¾ of half and half
  • Add one cup of ice
  • Top with caramel drizzle
  • Make it and enjoy it with your family

Sugar free Golden Eagle Dutch Bros

Golden Eagle at Dutch Bros is now providing in sugar free flavor. It is good news for those who loves Golden Eagle sugar free drink at Dutch Bros. The drinks keep all flavors like vanilla, caramel, espresso, whipped cream in it but without sugar. So, keep visit the Dutch Bros shop near you and enjoy the drink.

Golden Eagle Dutch Bros is a unique and incredible drink you can customize to your preference. You can add sugar-free vanilla syrup to make it a calorie-free drink.

Moreover, you can also avoid half-and-half and choose nondairy milk options to create a drink of your preference.

You can add extra espresso shots to make it a unique and high-caffeine drink. So, it depends upon you to customize the golden eagle of Dutch bros.

Golden Eagle of the Dutch Bro is the most selling and demanding drink. It is one of the customer’s favorite drinks.

It is made with espresso shots, vanilla syrup, caramel drizzle, and half-and-half with whipped cream. Depending on your choice, you can customize your preference by making it a sugar-free or nondairy drink.

So, due to the above-mentioned ingredients, you must try them at least once with your family. This is a fantastic drink.

To conclude the points, Golden Eagle Dutch Bros is one of the most famous drinks of Dutch Bros. It is available in all sizes and at excellent prices.

You can also make it easily at home. So, if you are an old or new customer of Dutch Bros, you must try this drink at least once and enjoy it with your family and friends.

yes, you can get Golden Eagle at Dutch Bros.

Golden Eagle is the one of the most popular and unique drink of Dutch Bros, made with espresso shots, vanilla syrup, half and half and caramel sauce.

There are more than 410 to 470 calories in the golden eagle of Dutch Bros

It requires 150mg caffeine in the medium drinks in golden eagle

The small size of the Golden Eagle cost around $3 to $4.

The average price of golden eagle at Dutch Bros is around $3 to $8.

simply take 2 espresso shots, 2 tbs vanilla syrup and caramel sauce, 3/4 half and half, add one cup of ice and enjoy the demanding drink of all.

There is two shots of espresso in Dutch Bros Golden Eagle.

you can buy a Golden Eagle Dutch Bros through shop near your location or you can order online through website or Dutch Bros app.

The Golden Eagle tastes sweet due to blended coffee with Vanilla syrup and caramel sauce topped with whipped cream

You can enjoy a golden Eagle with a chai made with half and half with vanilla syrup and caramel sauce

Golden eagle is the fastest, largest and nimblest raptors in North America. Therefore, it named as a Golden Eagle.

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